Thursday, February 7, 2008

Clay Aiken: Just Say NO to SEX!!!!

Clay Aiken has revealed that he has NO sex drive at all (I heard there are drugs to fix that) and that he is still a virgin.

Here is an excerpt from Clay's interview with NY magazine:

He does not plan on dating, and he is not involved with anyone.

“Heck, no,” he says. “My dogs.”

He has never had a romantic relationship with anyone, unless you count the girls he took to dances back in high school in Raleigh.

“I just don’t have an interest in … any of that at all. I have got too much on my plate,” he says.

“I’d rather focus on one thing and do that when I can devote time to it, and right now, I just don’t have any desire.”

But Aiken is 29 years old and he is also a human. Surely he must have needs. Urges.

He contemplates this in silence for 20 or 30 seconds.

“Ah think maybe I don’t! I mean, not really. I’ve just kind of shut it off, maybe. Is that bad?”

Do the Claymates really want Clay to be repressed?

Is this the Christian way?

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